Submissionist Fear Mongering

In 2024 Unionism is falling away quickly with many on the right freely accepting it. However, there are still those who stubbornly  cling to the idea that it’s “impossible”. In this article I will address those who say that if we secede the government will “destroy us”. It is often this fearful stance I see when advocating for a Free South for those who cling to the Union rather than an outright denial of the right of secession or its necessity. 

The common argument you hear when bringing up secession/free Dixie is that the “government has nukes”. This is often  parroted   by both liberal and conservative Unionists who call anyone who seeks secession a “crazy” and or “stupid”. However, using basic logic this idea of the USA dropping a nuke on a seceding state is actually what’s stupid and insane. For starters where would the feds drop said nuke? Atlanta, Richmond, Montgomery, Dallas ? If this were to happen they would kill potentially millions of people and cause a nuclear fallout that could spread to an area outside of the impact zone. The main people affected would be liberals and “people of color”. While the USA could use a nuke the result would be horrendous and likely cause an immediate rebellion or regime change considering just how many people (supposed Americans) would die. How can one expect the USA to drop a nuke on an American city when they didn’t during the 50 years of the Cold War against an actual threatening superpower like the Soviet Union and China?  The danger and backlash to such an act would be a hundred fold  to what it would have been had the USA used it in Korea or Vietnam, both unpopular wars. For this reason the regime would never drop a nuke due to the fact it would effectively be a suicide for the regime and cause a even bigger crisis.

A somewhat more realistic idea is that the federal government will send in troops, tanks, drones  and helicopters if a state tries to secede. After All this is what happened during the “Civil War”, right? In reality while this is an option one has to consider the effects then and now. When Lincoln called up troops  in April of 1861 it was a result of the Confederacy firing on Fort Sumter, something Lincoln arguably provoked and wanted, nonetheless Lincoln didn’t just send troops the second he was inaugurated. The result of Lincoln calling the troops sent the Upper South out of the Union with the most populous and powerful states of Virginia and North Carolina both leaving. Lincoln was only really successful in stopping Maryland and Kentucky from seceding during this period. Maryland was arguably cursed with bad location, D.C is in its South with Pennsylvania to its North. However, the 11 states of the Confederacy all were able to successfully secede without Lincoln or Buchanan sending an army to arrest the respective state leaders for “treason to the Union”. 

Of we all know fighting did start and the South did loose. However, as many Unionists say “we are living in the current year” not 1861. Thus we need to consider the effects and risk the modern USA would be taking in sending troops to crush secession. In the case of a leftist state seceding like California I would argue many conservatives would outright celebrate.  Who would advocate “bringing them back into the USA”?  Some may of course but the census I’ve gotten from this is we’d be okay with those “damned liberals” leaving. This also translates with the left albeit less so as many modern leftists carry the same controlling nature of the Yankee political forebears. In a scenario where Texas secedes, I doubt many Conservatives in Ohio and even rural areas of California (Jefferson) would be demanding a Biden Democrat regime march in and force them at gunpoint back into the Union. Certainly some hardline neo-cons like Mitt McConnell may but by and large most militaristic opposition would come from the Left. I’d argue they’d be split between those who see Texas leaving as a good stepping stone to a one party Democratic state vs those who want to dominate the Lone Star state and liquidate them. In both cases however, launching a war on Texas would be extremely difficult.

It’s here where Submissionists will begin screaming about Ruby Ridge and Waco. They will yell about how both cases prove that the federal government is all powerful and will easily kill anyone who defies them. In reality both of these cases aren’t equitable secession. In Ruby Ridge you had a small family surrounded by hordes of federal agents where the feds lost one of their own  for a teenager (Samuel Weaver)  and unarmed woman (Vikki Weaver) and a dog. In a gunfight in which Sam Weaver and his dog were killed is when a federal agent was killed in return fire by Kevin Harris. In many ways this stand off shows the weakness of the federal government and the same can be said for Waco. In both cases the parties the government attacked and besieged were not comparable to the entire state and its citizenry at large . In Waco where there were more armed the feds lost 4 men, not including wounded. To argue that either case shows that the federal government could march into Texas, a country larger than Ukraine, and crush secession is laughable. In besieging small families with a handful of armed men the feds have arguably a mixed record of “success” with a massive backlash response. If Ruby Ridge and Waco caused a massive militia movement in the 1990s what would invading the conservative state of Texas cause? In a case argued by Submissionist where drones and jets are dropping bomb payloads across Texan/Dixian towns and areas far more people (some not even secessionist) would be killed. The reaction and implications would not bode well for the regime in Washington especially in the era of social media where videos of feds slaughtering families would generate public outrage. 

This is all of course assuming the feds could penetrate Texas. Much like with the War for Southern Independence one can expect Oklahoma, Louisiana and the rest of the South to follow Texas’s lead. For without Texas they have no real hope of controlling the Presidency or Congress. These states would either back Texas by seceding or demanding feds not enter their states in going to Texas. We’ve seen this recently in Eagle Pass where pretty much every single Republican Governor rallied behind Abbot and Texas in nullifying the federal government. In a situation where Creepy Joe or Kamala were threatening to crush a Free Texas they’d at the very least get noncompliance and nullification from most of the Red states. The feds would have to go through the rocky Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico or a costly naval invasion from the Gulf of Mexico. In both scenarios Texas has the State Guard, six companies of Texas Rangers and potentially the national guard to protect the state. Texas could also call upon its heavily armed people to form fresh new military units. This process of rapid mobilization goes across the South in every Southern state. The US military is bleeding recruits at the moment and has a lesser  quality of troops with many poorly motivated people. Many openly join  to merely  receive the economic benefits with little to no “patriotism” otherwise. How would these unmotivated men and women fare  against Southerners defending their homeland? One can argue many of these welfare leeches would decide to suddenly be injured and “unfit for duty” rather than face potential death facing the South. 

In a final note we should remember the Soviet Union, a far more openly brutal and repressive regime than the modern USA collapsed without a massive war to save “the Union of Soviet Republics”. Its leaders were corrupt and tried to hold onto power as long as possible. However, numerous Soviet Republics seceded in 1991 without being nuked and having the Red army rummage through their homeland. The South public  and even the USA in general is far more well armed than your average Soviet citizen. While I’m sure the USA will respond to secession the better likelihood is economic warfare and a blockade. They will try to ignore the legitimacy of said secession but in real terms it will not matter. I’d rather be Free and economically struggle than be a slave of the American Empire and also be poor (inflation). 

-Ambrose Cobb

SV Communications Director

"Lithuanian Secessionists in 1990s"


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