Dixie Prometheism

 Dixie Prometheism

In 2024 the country called the United States is horribly divided. It’s divided on every subject across the board whether on racial , role of the sexes, the number of sexes, immigration and culture. In many ways the US is truly multiple nations at war much like the late Russian Empire or Austria Hungary. The population of the United States as of 2024 is estimated to be 341 million, the 3rd largest globally. The landmass is also 4th in the world. Thus, given the size, population and political/cultural disunity, why not just split up what is by all accounts a multiracial and ethnic Empire?

As a Southern Nationalist this is exactly what I advocate for in what I would like to call “Dixie Prometheism, a name and idea I’ve borrowed from Polish Nationalists. Much like Dixie and other rural moral upright  “Americans” in Red America the Polish were often a persecuted minority in the Russian Empire. In the early 1900s Polish Nationalist Józef  Piłsudski developed the idea of ‘Prometheism” which was then about bringing down the Russian Empire via various nationalities of the Empire like the Ukrairians, Georgians and Finish. In this as a Southerner I would advocate non-Leftist “nations” inside the US Empire work to break it apart via secession. In short a united cause to end the American Empire rather than to fruitlessly reform it. In many ways this is already naturally occurring as many rightwingers and even libertarians have embraced secession. Even leftists  in California and Hawaii have flirted with secession. I for one would not oppose nor seek to stop them from leaving even if building a common political cause with them is unlikely. Nonetheless those of the “right” should rally around Southern Nationalism and learn to build their own nations and national identities. 

In practice this would be like them finding national heroes and icons to use for their secession movements. To build and articulate their stories as Southern Nationalists do. To propose hard borders to their proposed countries. For example those in Alaska, where a small secessionist organizations already exist, could work to build up their culture as the “last frontier.” A conservative Republic  rich in resources and tough as steel. In the states of Ohio and Indiana you could right wingers press for a united state there. One which rallies behind icons like peace Democrat  Clement Laird Vallandigham, General Curtis Lemay and President William Henry Harrison (hero of 1812). The two states which have voted for Trump in the last two elections have a shared history and grievances against the leftist American regime. West of Dixie you could see the conservative people of Utah reform “Desert” and those South form a Arizona Republic. The plain states from Idaho to Iowa could form a collective “New Patriot Republic”. If you live in Northern California or East Oregon you could run up the flag of Jefferson and Idaho respectively to reject the local socialist tyrants of those states. Dixie is key in this as we have been at odds with the American Empire now for the last 80 years. We went to war to achieve independence from D.C. 

In short, if you live outside of the South and despise the federal regime of the Potomac you too can throw your hat into the ring of independence and self determination. In turn we should encourage the “Left Coast”  to secede especially in the advent of a Trump victory in November. Why not? Who in their right mind would want to live under an Empire that sends trillions, yes trillions, to foreign countries while their own populace can’t afford groceries. Embrace secession and the break up of the corrupt American Empire. In that is the hope that we can save and preserve our national cultures and identities. 

By  Sir Dixie Simms


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