Secession is Only Way When Harris Wins

  It is becoming more and more likely that Vice President Harris will win in November. Trump supporters have been denouncing the polls only weeks after sitting them as indicative that Biden was never going to be able to win. Now when they see results, they don’t like they decry them as “faked”. Harris is closing in on Trump due to demographic replacement, women, and populist discontent with Trump. 2024 is a much different race than 2016 as Trump is a known factor facing a more prepared system. In 2016 he barely won the Rust Belt. Since then Democrats have used the Governorships to lock in these states as older conservative White voters flee to Florida.  


               However, despite what MAGA says we shouldn’t view this as “the end”. As a Southerner we have seen our state governments shift to the right on various issues. All of the 11 former Confederate states besides North Carolina, which is having a race this year, have Republican Governors. Most of the Southern states also have Republican trifectas. When Harris wins we mustn’t have a repeat of Jan 6th. The fight isn’t in the District of Corruption, which is unredeemable, but at our local state houses. When she wins we need to mass mobilize for secession and bring that pressure down on our state legislators rather than focusing on some nonsensical and doomed effort to take the fight to D.C. The USA is doomed and the sooner our people realize that the better. 


               Many people will naysay secession as “impossible” and or useless. In reality secession is very possible especially when the people currently waving their Trump flags and screaming USA finally jump on board the Secession wagon. It’s vital that Southern Nationalists focus their energy on winning these people over and refunneling the rage over another election loss directly into secession. We have to organize and work together. Everyone of our people needs to get involved whether it’s donating cash, street activism or content production. Our movement’s success depends on every Southerner doing their part to the best of their ability. Laziness and excuses are the biggest obstacles to our success.  


               The struggle going forward is convincing our people that secession is worth their time. It’s far easier to just take the Red Maga kool aide and just wait for the next election “where we will get our payback”. It’s time we wake up and realize that if 2024 is lost then there’s no coming back nationally. Biden is also committed to breaking the Republican grip on the Supreme Court. The borders are still wide open. The political shift has already occurred and will only get worse if we decide to remain on the USS Titanic . Luckily a Free Dixie has much more hope.  


               When we secede we have the chance to go back to the drawing board and create a new country for ourselves. Texas could lead the charge with the rest of the Greater South (Oklahoma to the Virginia’s) joining. In this, the worst US Senators and congressmen from the South would likely boycott a provisional convention for the new Southern Confederacy. This would allow for more radical and grassroots leaders to build our new Confederacy rather than the old neocons like Mitch McConnell. At said convention we could do away with modern amendments and keep the original ones. We could also add to those and make it clear that our new Confederacy will be explicitly Christian, rural, and Southern. Voting rights and social issues would be handed to the state governments rather than by the central government. A new Confederacy would be without all the hundreds of corrupt alphabet agencies and burdensome debt the USA has. On top of this, the Southern states “going blue” due to mass immigration could put in stopgaps. Texas and Georgia could adopt county unit systems for statewide elections. In this we could effectively electorally lock urbanite Democrats in those two states out of those higher offices they desire so badly. This would work to further break the Democrat Party in the South.  


Keep in mind assuming Democrats even run for office immediately, they’d most likely boycott at first, they’d have no seats. Without federal courts and the Civil Rights Act, the South could gerrymander congressional districts how we see fit. Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia have already found success in this within the Union while states like Alabama and Louisiana have been stopped by federal judges (including supposedly based SCOTUS). Likewise, with the county unit system in place in Texas and Georgia we could lock Democrats from achieving the Presidency at least for two election cycles (up to 2032). This of course assumes we don’t make the Presidency a six-year term like the old one. This would put the next presidential election in 2031 giving us breathing room and time needed to practically break the wOKE Democratic Party. Indeed, in this scenario, it’s likely they will collapse like the Whigs of old. We could see Democrats demoralized and infighting break into different parties likely based on racial lines. Meanwhile, Southern Nationalists could focus on an aggressive campaign of cultural Southernatizion.  

               In a Free South, the true battle would be within the GOP with Southern Nationalists battling with old-guard neo-cons. However, without Democrats being a major threat as they are today we’d no longer have to hold our punches. If necessary we could split from their “party of Lincoln”. Southern Nationalists however would be more likely to rip the party from the old guard mammon lovers. We could fully work to combine a policy of pro-White Kingfish populism and traditionalism to effectively turn the tables on the backstabbing Republican leadership.  At the very least we wouldn’t have to worry about Democrats every single election. Our future national elections would be decided by Texas and Florida rather than California and New York. With Harris as President after four brutal years of Biden, what choice does the South truly have? 2024 is a choice between submission or secession. Whether you want to live under a hateful anti-White and anti-Christian regime out of D.C or a Conservative Southern  Republic? 

-Ambrose Cobb

SV Communications Director 

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