
Islamification: Americas Biggest Threat

 In recent times in the United Kingdom, there was a string of Muslim Attacks, causing a rise in the right. They like to say this 'Islamiphobia' is hate towards the muslims. As an American, whose country has been the target of Muslim Bombings and attacks, including 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing, we take personal interest in these attacks.  As a Christian, I see Islam in a religious view. Their 'prophet' and founder was a pedophile. They support the killing of Christians as they see them as 'Animals'.  The entire religion of Islam is based around terrorism. The American people's biggest enemy IS the muslims. They murder our women and children and kill those who disagree.  As a result, Southern Vanguard will start reporting on Islam crimes in areas and legal ways to deal with them. Not only does the open borders let Muslim Terrorists in, but what places are impacted the most by them? THE. SOUTH! The south has a right to succeed. I support Texas leaving A...

Secession is Only Way When Harris Wins

    It is becoming more and more likely that Vice President Harris will win in November. Trump supporters have been denouncing the polls only weeks after sitting them as indicative that Biden was never going to be able to win. Now when they see results, they don’t like they decry them as “faked”. Harris is closing in on Trump due to demographic replacement, women, and populist discontent with Trump. 2024 is a much different race than 2016 as Trump is a known factor facing a more prepared system. In 2016 he barely won the Rust Belt. Since then Democrats have used the Governorships to lock in these states as older conservative White voters flee to Florida .                     However, despite what MAGA says we shouldn’t view this as “the end”. As a Southerner we have seen our state governments shift to the right on various issues. All of the 11 former Confederate states besides North Carolina, ...

Submissionist Fear Mongering

In 2024 Unionism is falling away quickly with many on the right freely accepting it. However, there are still those who stubbornly  cling to the idea that it’s “impossible”. In this article I will address those who say that if we secede the government will “destroy us”. It is often this fearful stance I see when advocating for a Free South for those who cling to the Union rather than an outright denial of the right of secession or its necessity.  The common argument you hear when bringing up secession/free Dixie is that the “government has nukes”. This is often  parroted   by both liberal and conservative Unionists who call anyone who seeks secession a “crazy” and or “stupid”. However, using basic logic this idea of the USA dropping a nuke on a seceding state is actually what’s stupid and insane. For starters where would the feds drop said nuke? Atlanta, Richmond, Montgomery, Dallas ? If this were to happen they would kill potentially millions of people and ...

Pacific Dixie Connection

  There is a current and long time political reckoning in the Far West. For the last 30 years this region has been held hostage by the “Left Coast” and its insane Democrat policies. However, in the last few years we are seeing solid folks in East Oregon push to join the conservative state of Idaho. The people in this region have consistently voted against the Leftists radicals in Portland. Oregon as a state has practically championed a filthy mix of socialism and anarchy. The region is extremely hostile towards gun owners, Christians  or anyone not in lock step with modernist  leftist jargon. Thus, the “patriots” of the region seek to break away. As a Southern Nationalist I encourage this. Further South you also have many conservatives in Northern California, Jefferson, urging secession from California to form a 51st state. Their movement is older than “Greater Idaho '' and while somewhat more quiet at the moment one can imagine they will gain steam in the advent of a B...

Dixie Prometheism

  Dixie Prometheism In 2024 the country called the United States is horribly divided. It’s divided on every subject across the board whether on racial , role of the sexes, the number of sexes, immigration and culture. In many ways the US is truly multiple nations at war much like the late Russian Empire or Austria Hungary. The population of the United States as of 2024 is estimated to be 341 million, the 3rd largest globally. The landmass is also 4th in the world. Thus, given the size, population and political/cultural disunity, why not just split up what is by all accounts a multiracial and ethnic Empire? As a Southern Nationalist this is exactly what I advocate for in what I would like to call “Dixie Prometheism, a name and idea I’ve borrowed from Polish Nationalists. Much like Dixie and other rural moral upright  “Americans” in Red America the Polish were often a persecuted minority in the Russian Empire. In the early 1900s Polish Nationalist Józef  Piłsudski developed...

Honor your Ancestors!

 Southern Vanguard works to honor ALL ancestors. This is because in previous years, the Confederacy has been labeled as “hate”. This is an attack on American Democracy!