Submissionist Fear Mongering
In 2024 Unionism is falling away quickly with many on the right freely accepting it. However, there are still those who stubbornly cling to the idea that it’s “impossible”. In this article I will address those who say that if we secede the government will “destroy us”. It is often this fearful stance I see when advocating for a Free South for those who cling to the Union rather than an outright denial of the right of secession or its necessity. The common argument you hear when bringing up secession/free Dixie is that the “government has nukes”. This is often parroted by both liberal and conservative Unionists who call anyone who seeks secession a “crazy” and or “stupid”. However, using basic logic this idea of the USA dropping a nuke on a seceding state is actually what’s stupid and insane. For starters where would the feds drop said nuke? Atlanta, Richmond, Montgomery, Dallas ? If this were to happen they would kill potentially millions of people and ...