Pacific Dixie Connection
There is a current and long time political reckoning in the Far West. For the last 30 years this region has been held hostage by the “Left Coast” and its insane Democrat policies. However, in the last few years we are seeing solid folks in East Oregon push to join the conservative state of Idaho. The people in this region have consistently voted against the Leftists radicals in Portland. Oregon as a state has practically championed a filthy mix of socialism and anarchy. The region is extremely hostile towards gun owners, Christians or anyone not in lock step with modernist leftist jargon. Thus, the “patriots” of the region seek to break away. As a Southern Nationalist I encourage this. Further South you also have many conservatives in Northern California, Jefferson, urging secession from California to form a 51st state. Their movement is older than “Greater Idaho '' and while somewhat more quiet at the moment one can imagine they will gain steam in the advent of a B...